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6 thoughts on “Instant Updates Opt In”

  1. I don’t MIND getting an email about NEW videos………..but if YOU ARE RE-POSTING “OLD” videos………..count me out!! Why repost old videos, we can watch them……IF WE WANT TO!!! Notice the word: IF????

  2. Hi Emmy,
    I find your videos fascinating as do my great grandchildren. One wants to be a baker, she is only 10 and helps my cook. Her favorites are the kits for making candies. We are looking for the washing machine. 🙂
    We have made cloud bread and many others of your recipes. You should look up kick the can ice cream. That was fun and fast to make. 🙂 Faster than your ice cream in a plastic baggie.
    Thank you for the fun,

  3. Emmy, I have watched your videos for months and I have to say I’m addicted. Love your attitude, big bites, great energy and lovely smile. You make social media worthwhile. Thank you for being yourself.

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